Thursday, October 14, 2010

Funny that the issue is methodology...

This will be even less focused than everyone else's posts... sorry everyone. This is stream-of-consciousness at it's best/worst.

I think I'm in the same boat as Shawna-- I don't want to write my (hopefully somewhat more focused) question down because... sheesh... then it has been *written down*. Which changes it, somehow, from being my 'this is great!' idea to being open to people giving me that skeptical "what?" look... you know the one.

I'm struggling in trying to figure out what precisely to do with my methodology here. How detailed do we really need to be? And... what if it changes? What if I decide in a year- a month- a week- that the method I picked today really doesn't suit the project/question as much as I thought it would? Where do I go from there?

I guess... I don't want to write anything down "officially" because then it makes it final. And I don't feel I'm nearly ready for *that* step.
Maybe that's why this is a required project? To make us do something we'd otherwise dance around?

1 comment:

  1. YES! Methodology. It's giving me trouble, too. In fact, I just posted about this above. I assume there's room for some flexibility but at the same time I want to sound like I've given the methodology some serious thought. (Which of course I have, but that doesn't mean I have a clue as to what to do.)
