Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hi everybody! This is also my first time blogging and I'm very excited. I think this is a great way for everyone to share ideas and work as a group from home.

Personally, I found the Luker readings especially enlightening. She addresses a couple of topics that, as a first-time Master's student, I was admittedly concerned with. I felt intimidated by the prospect of learning "the literature," and then using this new found knowledge to create a huge project. This is because during my undergraduate degree, I found my research (in opposition to Laura's experience) was not quite as organized and straightforward as I thought was expected. Luker's opinion that we live in an age of "info glut," and therefore research methods need to be adjusted accordingly, provided me with some relief. It informed me that I am not the only person who is worried or feeling crazy. The Internet has made information accessible like never before, and perhaps having "independent" and "dependent" variables is not what's most important. It's time to be flexible with our research in order to best make use of the countless resources now available. I'm excited to continue reading her work and discover more about her insightful research methods!

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